"Streetlight Fences" Stored here in Korg .SNG format for the Korg i-Series and X-Series Workstations (c) 1995 by Bjorn Lynne Map: General MIDI Email: bjorn@team17.com Bjorn Lynne c/o Team17 Software Longlands House Wakefield Road Ossett WF5 9JS ENGLAND Here are the words, in case you'd like to sing along! :) (Lyrics written by H†kon Ueland (c) 1994) Looking through a foggy air Drifting through a cloudy lair Sleeping with a view of hair Streelight Fences Smelling chili in the air Tasting sunlight from your lair Jumping through a nest of hair Streetlight Fences Chorus: You forget - in her eyes You forgive your own lies Feel the powers of a stare Bask in sunlight, the moon is near Hold the pieces of a dream Streetlight Fences Don't be frightened of the dark Let the moonlight make her mark Jump through fences in your mind Streetlight Fences (Repeat Chorus)